Start Testing WordPress’ New Interactivity API

Earlier this year, WordPress contributors announced that they are working on a new Interactivity API that will allow developers to build interactive blocks. This API will support the kinds of frontend experiences that let visitors interact with content and get feedback without having to refresh the page.

Automattic-sponsored contributor Luis Herranz, who has been working on the API, is now encouraging developers to test it with their own blocks. Gutenberg 16.2 included the Interactivity API under the Experiments flag and this version or later is required for testing it.

Developers can follow the API’s “Getting Started” guide on GitHub to scaffold an interactive block with `@wordpress/create-block`. Take a look at the roadmap, which has an extensive list of tasks the team has in mind for the initiative and will include tracking issues for features as they progress.

Those who are testing the Interactivity API can follow and participate in the discussions happening in the new Interactivity API category on GitHub. This early testing invitation is for those who are eager to help shape the API and offer feedback.

“If you want to use the Interactivity API in your projects, please subscribe to this discussion where we will provide updates with instructions for migrating your code each time there is a breaking change,” Herranz said.

There is no official documentation yet, but a the team is working towards creating a bare-bones version first which will be used as the base for the official docs further down the road. The documentation efforts are being led by Automattic-sponsored contributor JuanMa Garrido and anyone willing to collaborate is invited to join the conversation on GitHub.

